2 semanas antes do previsto fomos surpreendidos com essa miudeza fofa!
Lilla nasceu bem pequenina, com pouco menos de 2kg mas mto saudável.
Ficamos alguns dias no hospital por conta desse baixo peso dela...
A couple of weeks earllier than her due date, we were surprised with the arrival of this tiny bitsy cutie!
Lilla was born a little under weight (only 4 pounds!) but really healthy in despite of that.
We stayed at the hospital for a few days more because of that...
Agora já estamos em casa trabalhando 24h pra deixá-la gorducha!
But now we are home and working full time on making her chubby!
Por favor orem por nós para que logo logo nossa pequena esteja bem gordinha!
Please pray for us for our little cutie pie to be cheeky and chubby as soon as possible!