sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2009

Não pude resistir / I couldn't resist

Eu vi a foto da fofíssima True no blog Cakies que eu amo da mamãe dela, RubyEllen. A foto é da também fofíssima marca de roupas de menina Misha Lulu, que faz eu desejar que o meu bebê seja menina para poder usá-la! =)
Eu tentei resistir mas não deu. Minha mão coçou e eu tive que largar o trabalho só um pouquinho pra fazer um pequeno rascunho...
Espero que a mamãe da True goste!

I saw the picture of the cutie-pie True on her mom's blog, Cakies. The picture belongs to Misha Lulu, a cutie-pie brand of clothes for little girls (witch makes me wish my baby is a girl so she can wear it!)
I tryed to resist but I couldn't... My hand begged me for a drawing, so I've puted the work in hold for a second and sketched.
I hope True's mom like it! ^^

22 comentários:

  1. eu amo a pintura!!

    I'm sure her mother will love it :)

    Hope you're feeling well.

  2. wow. you have such a talent! what a blessing from God! and the picture is just adorable.

  3. Your drawing is super cutie pie too!I love it!

  4. that is so SO SO SO cute!!! Oh my! I have to share this with Karen, the Misha Lulu creator. Eek... I can't wait! My husband and I are in awe. We love it! Thank you so much!!!

    my email is
    many kisses from California!

  5. This is amaizing!
    I will post it on my blog too!
    Thank you for doing this!
    Misha Lulu

  6. Oh I love it. I want to talk to you about doing one for my little one... maybe we can work out something. Oh just contact me... I don't see where I can e-mail you.

    Mine is cnyda(at)me(dot)com

    Oh and you are just the cutest pregnant person!!!

  7. Oh Thalita-----
    I am swooning with your lovely blog, art, and sewing projects. Your family is adorable and I know you will be a wonderful Mother.

    I found your blog through Misha Lulu and am so happy to have done so.

    God Bless,
    <3 sarasophia

  8. WOW!!!!! I'm ruby's sister and I, too, LOVE LOVE it!!!!! great work!!!!

  9. You captured True in a unique way....with all her adorableness!
    How lucky Ruby must be!

  10. Your art is incredible. You are very talented. I saw what you did for RubyEllen and I LOVE it. I also saw the painting you did for Nathalie and didn't even realize it was you until I read more of your blog entries. I have been coveting that since I saw it.

    Would you be interested in doing one for me? We can work something out. Here is my email:

  11. Wow, you are amazing, I love how you sketched True!

  12. You are a wonderful artist! Like many other people have asked, would you consider doing more portraits from pictures? I would love to have some done of my children. Please post info if you would/wouldn't be up to it (I know you are supposed to be resting!), and any other information about how it might work, costs, etc.
    Thank you!

  13. oh so darling!!! you capture her posture and innocence completely! LOVELY!

  14. truely cute!!!!! essa menina eh uma graca....e a mae tb!!!!! lindo!

  15. Oh my goodness!! This is incredible. I absolutely adore this! I would love to buy one from you if you could do one of my boys. Please contact me if this is something we could arrange. You are so talented! My email is

  16. Ai, como sempre lindo!
    Eu sempre falo que você é a pessoa mais talentosa que já conheci! :D

    Então, eu reanimei o meu blog e botei o seu link lá!

    Beijocas fofa!

    Ah, sou eu! Aline, irmã da Carla!

    Tb to com um blog!!! hehehe

    Vou aprimorando aos pouquinhos... O inicio e sempre um blog feinho hehehe

    É bom que agora eu acompanho o teu de pertinho!!


  18. Oi Thalita
    Vi seu blog um dia na comu RC, acessei e de lá pra cá sempre venho te visitar...Apesar de nunca ter deixado um comentário, eu amooooo ler seus posts...Admiro mto seu jeito menina de ser.Além disso vc tbm ama Jesus, como eu...
    E como admiro seu trabalho como ilustradora gostaria de te perguntar como vc iniciou essa carreira, que curso fez...essas vc não se importar em responder claro...Pq amo artes assim, mas não tenho idéia por onde começar a investir...

    Um bjo pra vc
    e parabéns pelo bebezinho...


  19. Your art is too cute!

    It's so cool to meet so many crafty people in the blogosphere, isn't it?
