Depois de longos meses de procura, encontramos um apto que gostamos e cabia no bolso. Estava tudo "certo" e enquanto os vendedores se acertavam com os últimos documentos eu já estava escolhendo cores, garimpando móveis em brechós, imaginando um novo studio....
Até que a demora se justificou: no fim das contas, eles desistiram de vender.
Ai ai... e voltamos à estaca zero. Mas eu não estou triste! Confesso que to com um(a) certo(a)
-"todas as coisas" é o que eu e marido sempre dizemos um ao outro quando algo sai do esperado. É pra lembrar do versículo: "Pois sabemos que todas as coisas trabalham juntas para o bem daqueles que amam a Deus (...)" Romanos 8:28-
I've been a little quiet these last weeks... all because I was working on a big life changing event. But the change decided not to come. I was holding the big news, but now that it isn't happening anymore I decided to share it: We were going to move to a new apartment!
After looooong months searching for the perfect place, we found one that was right for us and affordable. It was all ok, just some signatures and documents missing. I was all into finding the right colors for our new place, searching for second hand furniture.... And than the owners of the new place gave up on selling it. Sigh.
Well... back to the beggining. But I am not sad! I do feel a little lazy bumped that all the hard work on searching and visiting other apartments will have to be done all over again, but .... "all things"!!!!
-"All things" is what me and husband say to each other when something doesn't work as we planned. It's to remind us of this Word of God: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God" Romans 8:28
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rough drawing for book / rafe para o novo livro |
Voltar a desenhar diariamente é bom e tem me feito feliz!
Meanwhile.... I got back to freelance work! I wanted to help as the moving would bring us some extra expenses. Now I'm involved in a big project until february. My inlaws com 3 times a week to play with Lilla and give me some extra free time.
Drawing daily again makes me happy!
Halloween na pracinha / Halloween at our daily park |
visita da Alice / play date with Alice |
visita do Matheus / playdate with Matheus |
So, in the despite of all the moving-out-not-moving-out mess, we did enjoy these last weeks. Strolling to the park as usual, having some friends over for play dates, and a every-new-day-comes-with a brand-new-learned-word Lilla!! Talking about Lilla, she is so adorably full of energy! We taped her in the park riding her favorite toy: the slide. She even learned how to slide on her tummy! Take a look:
PS: A festa da Lilla ta no ohdeedoh! E no Sara's Party perfect!! E no Banana Craft!!
PS: Lilla's party was featured on Ohdeeedoh and Sara's party perfect!! And brazilian's Banana Craft!!
PPS: Eu to
PPS: I'm a
Acabei de ver a festinha da Lilla no Ohdeeedoh e fiquei encantada! Ela é uma fofa e a festinha foi perfeita, parabéns!
Camila F.
Que bom que voltou! Logo agora que descobri seu blog você passou um tempão sem postar nada, então eu já estava triste... Mesmo sem te conhecer é muito bom saber de você!
(fã virtual - será que isso existe?)