sexta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2010

Venvedoras / Winners

Desculpem a demora, mas tive uma emergência médica: meu joelho!
Doía, doía... Eu fui ao médico e a suspeita é de um desgaste na patela. Aff!
Agora terei que fazer exames pra confirmar... Enfim, vamos ao que interessa:

Danee, você ganhou o prêmio 1 (pacote grande) e Jamie, você ganhou o pacote de aniversário! PARABÉNS! 
Sorry for the delay, but I had a medical emergency: my knee!
It was hurting so bad... I went to the doctor and aparentelly there is something wrong with my patella. Sigh.
Now I have to take some tests to make sure...
Well, let's talk about good stuff:

Danee, you won the prize 1 and Jamie, you won the prize 2 (bday pack). CONGRATULATIONS!

PS: Olha só o que me chegou pelo correio essa semana!! Lindos tecidos japoneses, fofamente embalados até com um bonus extra! Ah, eu AMO o Etsy!
PS: Look what I got in the mail this week!! Pretty japanese fabric, all cutelly wrapped and even with an extra bonus. Gotta LOVE Etsy!

2 comentários:

  1. Ah, que pena... Não ganhei...
    Mas obrigada por fazer esse sorteio e parabéns para as sortudas!

  2. Woohoo!!! Thank you soooooooo much! That DOES make me feel better! So excited that I won your sweet giveaway! I was going to e-mail you my address, but can't seem to find your e-mail address. My e-mail is spontaneousday at yahoo dot com. Cute fabric! Thank you again!
