A gatinha e o rato ainda não têm nome, e pra isso eu queria a ajuda de vcs. Alguma sugestão?
O final de semana foi bom, na medida do possível. Minha cabeça está mto ruim por causa da vovó, ela piorou... :(
Eu to tentando não pensar mto nisso. Estou com mto medo e com uma sensação mto ruim.
Também o Rodrigo trabalhou o fim de semana todo e eu pude costurar estes amiguinhos. Meus últimos feitos todos à mão, pq esta semana chega a MÁQUINA!! EEE! Presente do maridão!
Isso é que é incentivo! :D
New friend on the block! Better saying: new friendS.
The kitty and the mouse don't have names yet. For that I need your help. Any suggestions?
The weekend was good, as good as it could be. My head doesn't feel good because of my granny's health. She is worse... :(
I'm trying not to think about it too much, to keep sane. I'm really scared, completely affraid and with a terrible feeling inside.
Rodrigo worked the whole weekend so I had time to sew this little new friends. Probably the last ones sewed completely by hand, since my sewing machine is arriving this week! YEY! Gift from the best husband ever. :)
The kitty and the mouse don't have names yet. For that I need your help. Any suggestions?
The weekend was good, as good as it could be. My head doesn't feel good because of my granny's health. She is worse... :(
I'm trying not to think about it too much, to keep sane. I'm really scared, completely affraid and with a terrible feeling inside.
Rodrigo worked the whole weekend so I had time to sew this little new friends. Probably the last ones sewed completely by hand, since my sewing machine is arriving this week! YEY! Gift from the best husband ever. :)
Olha como eles ficaram felizes todos juntos!
Look how happy they look together!
Look how happy they look together!
And Alegria got a girly strawberry for herself!
Just reminding: don't miss the GIVE-AWAY! Everyone can be a part of it, even if you have just arrived! These are the last days, you can try to win untill october 19th! Good luck!
Vc pegou no meu ponto fraco. Um gatinho preto! =o Eu querooooo!!!
ResponderExcluirai que coisinha mais linda!!!!! caramba vc tem muita paciencia!!!! e sua cadela....que linda com o moranguinho dela. faz uma corujinha e a gente faz uma troca...que tal??? beijos!!!
ResponderExcluirOi Thalita...nossa eu quase que fui batizada com teu nome que ate gosto mais!!!
ResponderExcluirObrigada pela mensagem, volto depois com calma pra ler teu blog! E que eu ando meio ocupada por aqui...
Nathalie, uma troca!? QUE LEGAL!
ResponderExcluirUma corujinha a caminho então!
Eu nunca fiz uma troca, q divertido!
Beijos pra vc!
Cris, obrigada!
Zee, obrigada, eu gosto do meu nome tb, não queria ter nenhum outro. O seu nome é Zee? Ou é apelido?
Beijinhos mil!
Thalita, I just love all these little softies you are making. You are a natural! I was sorry to read above about your sewing machine. I hope it was fixed soon.