Olha só o que eu ganhei!!!!
Look what I've got!!!!
Look what I've got!!!!
Que marido lindo que eu tenho, que me deu este presentão!
Eu fiquei feliz da vida! Como eu nunca tive uma máquina, nem nunca mexi numa, fui ler o manual. Leitura feita, fui tentar os básicos, seguindo o passo-a-passo.
Depois de um certo pânico pela dificuldade em entender como se coloca a linha pelos buracos certos (eu nunxca mexi em máquina e tava com medo de fazer errado!) consegui uma ajuda decisiva de uma amiga muito boazinha pelo telefone e... voilá! Tudo certo! OBA!
Treinei o ponto básico numa camiseta velha: parecia tudo bem... E decidi que tava pronta pra tentar algo mais divertido....
YEY!WHat a lovely husband I have, who gave me this great gift!
I got so happy and excited! As I never owned a sewing machine, neither ever touched one, I went on reading the manual. Reading completed, I went on trying the basics, following up the step-by-step.
After a certain panic for putting the thread through the right pieces (I never used a machine and was affraid of doing something wrong!) I got help from a lovely friend who called me and explained it all... All right! It worked! YEY!
I used an old shirt to experiment and when I felt it was going ok, I decided to try something fun...
E lá estava eu, to feliz e faceira, costurando, costurando QUANDO....
It's still a WIP, the sewing line is all crooked, but my friend told me it's just because it's the first attempt, and that with time and trainning it will get better.And ther I was, all happy sewing and sewing WHEN...
Hoje vamos levá-la na loja pra consertar....
Bom, eu então cortei o restante do tempo de descanso do dia e dediquei algum tempinho extra ao trabalho...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I called singer hotline and they gave me the number from a place where they fix the machine near my home (unfortunatelly, not so near). I called there and explained exactly what happend, they told me that probably the machine came with some screw inside not to tigh as it should be.Today we are taking my precious gift to get fixed...
Well, I gave up on the rest of my fun-time and engaged work sooner...
Congratulations on your first machine! You are going to love it! Sorry that it is broken already. Hopefully you will get it back soon
ResponderExcluirI love the new painting so far. The colors are splendid!
Vc já fez uma gravura dessas com gatinhos? Vc não quer fazer umas... assim... tipo... para vender, não? =]
ResponderExcluirI get a little anxious when my machine isn't working perfectly. Especially as sewing machines seem so complicated. I just adore your art.
ResponderExcluiragora vc esta armada com sua maquina!!! parabens!!!!!! vc vai amar essa maquina!!!